Sunday, 30 May 2010

A bit about me, learning italian, learning to sing and planning events on behalf of MyelomaUK

Hey everyone,

My name is Emma Carrie, I am 24 years old at the moment, birthday isnt until january and then I will be quarter of a century old. *que music* Duhh Duhh Duuhhhh!! Anyway enough of the dramatics, I am currently a single mother with a 2 and a half year old son called cameron. We live in a lovely we flat west of glasgow and have a really great life.

I have a few aims for the second half of 2010 and I want to share them with you all.

Firstly my grandad was told just under a year ago that he had a type of cancer called Myeloma, he then passed away only a few months later due to a bad chest infection.The myeloma meant he had very little (if any) immune system so he wasn't able to fight it off. It was a very sad occasion but out of this occasion one of my aims was born and now I have decided that I want to host a few charity events in name of the charity called MyelomaUK and I am also taking part in raceforlife a week today. Very excited about the raceforlife event, I have never done anyting like this and it really does give you a feel good factor.

My second aim is learning to sing as I was in the choir when I was younger and was always told I had a really good voice. Sadly no one in the family has any recordings of me singing and I have completely lost my confidence in my own voice so I now want to get my good singing voice back and regain my confidence in my ability to sing.

My third and final aim (other than lose a few stone and get rid of my mummy tummy but im not going to bore you with the details of that, I have another blog just for weight loss that I will be starting in the future. Will post the address when Its up and running) is to learn to speak some Italian. This is my least important aim out of the three but I am sure never the less that you will be hearing a little bit about my progress anyway.

If anyone has anything they want to ask me or tell me then feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Anyway enough for now, you will be hearing from me again soon.

Emma xXx

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